

Jacob grew up in the home of an entrepreneur. At age fifteen, he began working alongside his father learning the lessons of hard work and dedication, attention to detail, and the ability to make decisions on the fly.

The Start

The business journey began for Jacob after graduating from college where he began full-time work with non-profit organizations. In 2013, Jacob launched a leadership blog/podcast and has interviewed top leaders in his field.


After working with many organizations in leadership capacities, Jacob decided to continue his education and was awarded a Masters of Business Administration from Lindenwood University in December 2015.


When not traveling across the US working with non-profits, Jacob enjoys working on his online business and helping people grow their organizations.


Jacob is an avid fisherman who is addicted to the bass "smash". He has been married for over a decade to the love of his life and has two children. They live in Lafayette, IN area.

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